One ‘day of rest’ each week helps us remember how to play.

My Favorite Drug

Piccoli blog
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2020


I love to work. It’s my thing. I would definitely describe myself as a workaholic. Jennifer Lopez once said that she’s a workaholic and she doesn’t consider it a bad thing.

As much as I admire Jennifer Lopez as an amazing actor/dancer/singer, I do not think she’s right. I consider anything that ends in -aholic a bad thing.

So I had to learn how to take one day to rest. Just one day.

I decided to make myself some rules to help me focus and stay realistic. I figured I would start small.

Here are my rules for the Sabbath, which is on Sunday for me:

No news

No social media

No laundry

No e-mail

No making the bed

No exercise

Then, I came up with things for me to do to counteract my addictions to the above items. So here is what I CAN do:

Bake cookies for a neighbor

Call a friend I haven’t talked with in a while


Read a book

Attend a religious service

Take a stroll

I think work is an important thing. It gives a person dignity and purpose. There’s nothing bad about work. In fact, it is very good. But if we don’t put our labor in the context of something greater, it becomes a drug. And that is a bad thing.

I decided that a better word for ‘rest‘ would be play. Play on the Sabbath. Like a vacation.

Play, after all, is a higher state of being because it is done only for itself.

We work to get something. Example: We work to get money to pay for food, house, clothing, etc.

On the other hand, we play just to play.

So on Sundays, I rest to remember how to play. And now I look forward to this fun, unique day above all others!



A technology-based toy company, introducing children to the fun of learning little words in lots of languages.