The Month of LOVE

Piccoli blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2019


Friends, past and present, give life meaning.

I have so many friends. It may seem a little ridiculous, but I tell each of them, “I love you,” at the end of every visit or phone call.

Is this wrong? Absolutely not. I cherish each of my friends. If they were not in my life, I would miss each of them with every fiber of my being.

I recently asked my daughter about her best friends. And if she were getting married tomorrow, who would she ask to be in her wedding.

She rattled off her list of bridesmaids, and no names surprised me. What surprised me was how few friends from childhood she would include. She generally picked the most recent friends — the ones she feels know who she “really” is.

It’s not that I don’t understand her perspective. I do. However, as I’ve grown older, I have come to appreciate how my friends from my past and present are woven into my life in a unique way, like a beautiful tapestry, creating the person I am.

There are so many people who enrich our lives. So during this month of love, I challenge you to celebrate all the loves in your life.

Friends, after all, fill our lives with good things that truly endure.



A technology-based toy company, introducing children to the fun of learning little words in lots of languages.